
Baus Systems
Data Input Solutions

SmartScan allows you to use the power of barcode technology in Office Accounting 

Barcode Translator
Label Link
Sales Order Verification
Invoice Verification
Purchase Order Verification
Inventory Count
Contact Us







SmartScan Bar Coding Solutions

SmartScan Barcode Translator
Barcode Translator

SmartScan Label Link
Label Link

  • Available Soon.

  • Use a Serial Scanner to Scan Barcodes Directly into your Office Accounting data fields.

  • Quickly and Accurately enter your customers and products into Office Accounting.

  • Define Screen Patterns to tell your scanner what to do after the Barcode is Scanned.

  • Click here for more information! 
  • Use a Label Link with your Barcode Labeling program to quickly and easily select the items that you wish to print barcodes for.

  • Select items from your item list or use products on your existing Office Accounting Purchase Orders as the source for your labels.

  • Currently works with Wasp Labeler, Bartender and Bar-One, with others being added.

  • Click here for more information! 



Sales Order Verification

Invoice Verification

  • Verify that the items on your sales order and the items you are shipping match using barcodes and a  scanner, mobile computer or checking off manually.

  • Create pick lists from your sales orders.

  • Create packing lists from your sales orders.

  • Reduce your shipping errors and increase order fulfillment productivity.

  • Click here for more information! 
  • Verify that the items on your invoice and the items you are shipping match using barcodes and a  scanner, mobile computer or checking off manually.

  • Create pick lists from your invoice.

  • Create packing lists from your invoice.

  • Reduce your shipping errors and increase invoice fulfillment productivity.

  • Click here for more information! 

Purchase Order Verification

Inventory Count

  • Verify that the items on your purchase order and the items you are receiving match using barcodes and a  scanner, mobile computer or checking off manually.

  • Log serial numbers or lot numbers.

  • Implement employee accountability for receiving and increase inventory accuracy.

  • Reduce costly receiving error and pay for only what was actually received.

  • Click here for more information! 
  • Assign bar codes to your existing Office Accounting items using a mobile scanner.

  • Perform physical counts, cycle counts and inventory audits.

  • Automatically adjust and update Office Accounting quantity/values after counting, or send the count information to a report or file for importing into a spreadsheet or database.

  • Save time and reduce counting errors.

  • Click here for more information! 

Contact us at




(206) 932-9986

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|   SmartScan Barcode Translator    |    SmartScan Label Link    |     Sales Order Verification     |

|     Invoice Verification     |     Purchase Order Verification     |     Inventory Count      |      Contact Us    |


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