DSD Route Accounting Mobile Software Videos
DSD Route Accounting - Opening the Program 1. This video is an introduction to the windows mobile desktop and overview of how to open/load the DSD Route Accounting program. It also gives a brief overview of the DSD Main screen. (3 min 13 sec)
DSD Route Accounting - Product List Overview 2. This video is an overview of the DSD Product List module. It highlights features and navigation in the Product List screen. (7 min 12 sec)
DSD Route Accounting - Customer List Overview 3. This video is an overview of the DSD Customer List module. It highlights features and navigation in the Customer List screen. (6 min 30 sec)
DSD Route Accounting - Start of Day Overview 4. This video is an overview of the DSD Start of Day. It highlights features and navigation in the Start of Day screen. (3 min 23 sec)
DSD Route Accounting - Sales Module Overview 5. This video is an overview of the DSD Route Accounting Sales Module. It highlights features and navigation in the Sales Module. (2 min 58 sec)
DSD Route Accounting - Creating an Invoice 6. This video is an overview of creating an invoice in DSD Route Accounting. (9 min 31 sec)
DSD Route Accounting - Printing an Invoice and Capturing a Signature 7. This video is an overview of printing an invoice and capturing a signature in DSD Route Accounting. (4 min 54 sec)
DSD Route Accounting - Using the Quick Pay Option 8. This video is an overview of recording a customer payment using the Quick Pay option in DSD Route Accounting. (6 min 06 sec)
DSD Route Accounting - Editing options and Voiding a Transaction 9. This video is an overview of editing lines on an invoice and voiding a saved invoice in DSD Route Accounting. (7 min 26 sec)
DSD Route Accounting - End of Day Processing Overview 10. This video is an overview of the End of Day process in DSD Route Accounting. It covers entering expense items that have been incurred on the route and printing the End of Day recap and reconciliation reports. (4 min 59 sec)